The Importance of Companionship for Older Adults

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Feeling connected is very important for everyone, especially older adults. According to Age UK, nearly 3 million older people in the UK say their TV or radio is their main source of company. While the...


How Gardening Helps Older People

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Gardening is a lovely activity that offers many benefits for people of all ages, especially older adults. Gardening is a great way to improve both physical and mental health. Here’s how gardening can ...


How Can Colour Help People with Dementia?

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Dementia affects millions of people around the world, and while there’s no cure yet, there are many ways to make life easier and more enjoyable for those with dementia. One simple but powerful t...


What to expect when you start receiving homecare

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Starting homecare is a big decision. It can make your daily life more comfortable and personal, though it might require some adjustments. For many, deciding to begin homecare services comes from reali...